Tensive è una startup biomedicale fondata nel 2012 per sviluppare protesi innovative con l’obiettivo di offrire una naturale ricostruzione o aumento del seno.

Le protesi di Tensive sono basate su un biomateriale sintetico biodegradabile e fabbricate con microcanali interni.

REGENERA non è ancora disponibile in commercio ed è attualmente oggetto di indagine clinica in conformità alle normative per i dispositivi medici sperimentali.

Tensive ha recentemente completato uno studio First-in-Human su REGENERA, condotto in Italia su pazienti diagnosticate con lesioni benigne al seno e trattate con lumpectomia.


La perdita del seno può avere un forte impatto psicologico sulla vita di una paziente oncologica.
La missione a lungo termine di Tensive è quella di ridare un seno totalmente naturale alle pazienti oncologiche che si sono sottoposte a mastectomia totale o parziale, risolvendo il problema della mancanza di una soluzione efficace e permanente e migliorando la loro qualità della vita.


Sanjay Kakkar

Sanjay Kakkar

Sanjay Kakkar, MD, MSc, MPH (Amministratore Delegato) è un imprenditore nel settore biotech e medtech con 30 anni di esperienza in aziende multinazionali, early-stage e ad alta crescita. Ha una comprovata esperienza nella costruzione di aziende innovative nei settori delle scienze della vita in Europa, Asia e Stati Uniti, e nello sviluppare tecnologie all’avanguardia per il miglioramento della salute. Prima di unirsi a Tensive, ha ricoperto il ruolo di Amministratore Delegato presso Tranquis, Peptilogics, Armetheon e Trigen (di cui è stato anche co-fondatore), ed è stato fondatore e presidente di Jai Medica. Prima di diventare un imprenditore seriale, ha ricoperto ruoli di ricerca e sviluppo presso Pharmacia (ora Pfizer) e Novartis. Sanjay ha conseguito la laurea in medicina presso il King’s College, Università di Londra, un Master in gestione sanitaria presso l’Università di Harvard e un Master in cardiologia preventiva presso l’Imperial College.

Federico Martello

Federico Martello

Federico Martello, Ph.D. (co-fondatore; Chief Industrial Officer), ha collaborato con Tensive come Direttore Operativo fin dalla sua fondazione, nel 2012. Il suo ruolo nel team consiste nella gestione dei rapporti con gli investitori, gestione commerciale e amministrazione generale. In precedenza, Federico è stato Team Leader della piattaforma di Biomateriali Avanzati presso Fondazione Filarete dal 2009 al 2012, seguendo le attività scientifiche di un gruppo di ricercatori e portando la piattaforma alla profittabilità economica nel 2012. Federico ha conseguito un dottorato in Chimica Industriale collaborando con l’Università di Twente (Olanda) e con l’Università degli Studi di Milano dove ha ottenuto in precedenza un laurea in Chimica Industriale e Gestionale. Attualmente, Federico è Coordinatore di un progetto H2020 SME Instrument, finanziato dalla Comunità Europea. Federico è inoltre autore di 5 brevetti e 10 articoli pubblicati su riviste scientifiche internazionali.

Alessandro Tocchio

Alessandro Tocchio

Alessandro Tocchio, Ph.D. (co-founder e Chief Strategy Officer) ha ottenuto la laurea triennale e il master in ingegneria fisica dal Politecnico di Milano. Il Dr. Tocchio ha conseguito il Dottorato in Medical Nanotechnology dalla Scuola Europea di Medicina Molecolare e dall’Università di Milano, e ha completato il suo training in nanotecnologie e tissue engineering con un postdoc alla Stanford University.

Alessandro è co-autore di 18 articoli peer-reviewed ed è co-inventore di 5 brevetti. Alessandro ha anche co-fondato la non-profit Organ Preservation Alliance.

Valentina Morigi

Valentina Morigi

Valentina Morigi, MSc (co-founder e CFO) ha esperienza in due diligence finanziarie e operative, analisi di business plan, organizzazione aziendale e analisi finanziarie.
Valentina ha conseguito la laurea in Economia all’Università di Bologna e ha ottenuto un Master in Finanza all’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano. Durante il master, Valentina si è unita al team di nanomedicina del Methodist Hospital Research Institute a Houston TX, dove ha condotto uno dei primi studi economici sul mercato della nanomedicina negli Stati Uniti.

Nel 2018, Valentina ha completato il programma di leadership e imprenditorialità Ignite di Stanford University, Graduate School of Business.

Prima di Tensive, Valentina ha lavorato come Executive per la società di consulenza internazionale PwC, nelle divisioni di M&A e strategy. Valentina ha co-fondato Organ Preservation Alliance, la non-profit basata in Silicon Valley ed incubata al NASA Ames Research Park (Mountain View, CA). 

Irini Gerges

Irini Gerges

Irini Gerges, Ph.D. (co-founder, Chief Technology Officer & R&D Director) ha più di dieci anni di esperienza nella chimica dei polimeri e nel settore dei biomateriali. Ha conseguito la laurea in scienze naturali alla Ain Shams University (Egitto), la laurea magistrale in chimica all'Università di Milano (Italia) e il dottorato di ricerca in biomateriali dalla scuola di dottorato di scienze biomolecolari (BIOS), Università di Pisa (Italia).
Nel 2010, Irini ha lavorato come ricercatrice e consulente chimico presso il laboratorio di biomateriali BioMatLab, Dipartimento di ingegneria biomedica del Politecnico di Milano. Dal 2011 al 2014, ha lavorato come ricercatrice esperta presso la piattaforma tecnologica di biomateriali avanzati di Fondazione Filarete, dove era la figura di riferimento per il disegno, la sintesi e la fabbricazione di polimeri innovativi funzionali per applicazioni nel campo farmaceutico e biomedicale.
Irini è stata premiata dal Consigliere per le Pari Opportunità di Milano, come prima classificata per il premio "Donne al Lavoro e Ricerca Scientifica".
Irini è autrice di dieci pubblicazioni scientifiche su riviste peer-reviewed e co-inventore di tre brevetti internazionali.

Margherita Tamplenizza

Margherita Tamplenizza

Margherita Tamplenizza, Ph.D. (co-founder; Chief Regulatory Officer) è ricercatrice nell’ambito biologico e medicale.

Ha fondato il laboratorio biologico della piattaforma Biomateriali Avanzati a Fondazione Filarete e ha avviato diversi progetti di innovazione nel settore Life Sciences e Silver Economy per le imprese di Assolombarda, l'associazione per dimensioni e rappresentatività più importante di tutto il Sistema Confindustria. Precedentemente, Margherita ha coordinato il laboratorio biologico del Centro Interdisciplinare Materiali e Interfacce Nanostrutturati (CIMaINa) dell’Università Statale di Milano dove ha approfondito le sue conoscenze sull’interazione tra sistemi cellulari e materiali. Ha ottenuto il Dottorato in Fisiologia Molecolare e Cellulare all’Università Statale di Milano e all’Università di Medicina Paracelsus di Salisburgo (Austria), inoltre ha lavorato all’Università di Medicina di Innsbruk (Austria) e all’Istituto Auxologico Italiano per progetti biomedici. Ha seguito un Master sulla Produzione di Terapie Avanzate come Prodotti Medicali e ha ottenuto l’attestato di Persona Qualificata in Laboratori Farmaceutici nel 2014. Margherita è autrice di 15 articoli peer-reviewed e co-autrice di 4 brevetti.

Alberto Cantaluppi

Alberto Cantaluppi

Alberto Cantaluppi, MD (Chief Medical Officer), laureato in medicina e chirurgia, è un manager di lungo corso con comprovate esperienze in vari settori della sanità. In particolare, ha operato in aziende farmaceutiche, di dispositivi medici, di dialisi, di diagnostica di laboratorio e di immagini, di medicina cardiovascolare, di bioscienze e di servizi per la sanità.

Alberto ha avuto la piena responsabilità di Bilancio ed è un esperto di Vendite e Marketing, Fusioni ed Acquisizioni, Integrazioni Aziendali, Affari Generali, Negoziazione, Definizione Strategica ed Organizzativa, Turnaround, Disinvestimenti, Ristrutturazione, Modelli Commissionaire e Toll Manufacturing, nonché di Dinamiche di Team.


Scott Guelcher, Ph.D.

Scott Guelcher, Ph.D.

Professore Associato di chimica e ingegneria biomolecolare presso la Vanderbilt University School of Engineering (TN, USA). Dopo aver completato il corso di studi in Ingegneria Chimica presso la Virginia Tech, Dr. Guelcher ha lavorato nella divisione di ricerca della Eastman Chemical Company a Kingsport, TN a diversi progetti riguardo processi chimici e nutraceutici.
Successivamente, ha completato il suo Ph.D. in Ingegneria Chimica alla Carnegie Mellon University sotto la supervisione del professor John Anderson. Il suo lavoro di tesi si è focalizzato sullo studio del movimento del campo elettrico indotto di particelle colloidali depositate nei pressi di un elettrodo.
Prima del suo incarico alla Vanderbilt, il dottor Guelcher era uno Senior Associate Scientist nella divisione Poliuretani di Bayer Corporation e NIH NRSA Fellow presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Biomedica presso la Carnegie Mellon University , dove ha lavorato con il professor Jeffrey Hollinger in ingegneria del tessuto osseo.
Il professor Guelcher è alla Vanderbilt University dal 2005, e ha fondato il laboratorio di Biomateriali e ingegneria dei tessuti nel gennaio 2006. E' autore di oltre 160 pubblicazioni scientifiche peer-reviewed e inventore di 26 brevetti.
Dr. Guelcher è un esperto nella progettazione, sintesi e caratterizzazione di biomateriali polimerici per l'ingegneria

Mario Rietjens, MD

Mario Rietjens, MD

Direttore dell’Unità di Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva - IEO 
Il Dr. Rietjens si è laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l'Università Estado di São Paulo (Unesp) di Botucatu (Brasile) e specializzato in chirurgia generale presso il dipartimento di chirurgia oncologica ala Fondazione Pio XII di Barretos (Brasile) . Il Dr. Rietjens si è anche laureato e specializzato in chirurgia plastica presso l'Università di Milano.
Allo IEO gestisce anche ricerche cliniche nel campo della chirurgia plastica e ricostruzione, principalmente nello sviluppo di nuove tecniche come per esempio il lipofilling, ricostruzione dopo la rimozione causata da neoplasia. . Il Dr. Rietjens è il referente di un studio clinico volto a valutare il tempo di degenerazione di protesi al silicone in base al momento dell'impianto. Inoltre, partecipa a un nuovo studio europeo per lo sviluppo dell'utilizzo delle cellule staminali di origine adiposa per la riparazione dopo quadrantectomia o mastectomia.

Andrea Buscaglia

Andrea Buscaglia

Ex-investment banker and Life Sciences corporate finance executive.

After completing his degree in Business Administration at Bocconi University in Milan, he worked with Arthur Andersen between 1988 and 1991.

In 1992 he transitioned to investment banking and worked for eight years in London and Milan with the corporate finance divisions of S.G.Warburg & Co. (now UBS), Morgan Grenfell (Deutsche Bank) and Salomon Smith Barney (Citigroup), with a focus on the origination and execution of IPOs, public tender offers, rights issues, equity offerings, and M&A transactions.

He transitioned to Life Sciences in 2000, when he joined Geneva-based biotech group Serono as VP Corporate Development to coordinate its NYSE listing and $2bn equity offering, lead M&A and support Investor Relations.

In 2007 he became CFO of VC-backed Nitec Pharma, which he contributed to refinance and merging into Horizon Therapeutics (now Amgen). In 2009 he became CFO of VC-backed MedTech company Endosense (acquired by St Jude Medical, now Abbott), which he contributed to refinance.

Between 2012 and 2022 he was CFO of Medicines for Malaria Venture, a non-profit organization, financed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and various governments. He has been VP Corporate Development at Mundipharma since 2023.

Alexei S. Mlodinow, MD, MBA 

Alexei S. Mlodinow, MD, MBA 

Alexei is a surgeon and serial entrepreneur with two successful exits thus far. In his most notable role as founding CEO of SIA, he led the company through FDA-clearancecommercializationNIH grant funding for a “first-and-only” indication in a new market, and pivotal trial initiation to achieve that indication. SIA achieved all this in less than four years and with only $6.3M in equity capital, while maintaining a developmental pipeline. After kicking off a $15M Series B fundraise that would later be oversubscribed and expanded, Alexei began his training in plastic surgery at Northwestern McGaw Medical Center. He remained active as an executive board member during his first 18 months of surgical residency, leading the process that culminated in SIA being acquired by Integra LifeSciences (Nasdaq: IART) in December of 2022. Following the completion of three years of surgical residency, he is now taking a sabbatical as he considers his next step.

In addition to his work at SIA, in 2020, Alexei simultaneously co-founded RapidRona, a shared-economy platform that connects clinical laboratories directly to consumers, and one of the first companies to bring a home PCR test to market. They were acquired by DMH in 2021. He has authored over 20 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters, and lectures on science and entrepreneurship at national and international meetings. He is listed as inventor on multiple patents and serves as an investor and board advisor to early-stage companies focused on nanotechnology, tissue engineering, radiofrequency ablation, and transseptal puncture. Alexei was also named one of Forbes’ “30 under 30” in 2018 and Crain’s “20 in their 20s” in 2019. 

Andrew G. Tymkiw 

Andrew G. Tymkiw 

Andrew Tymkiw is a distinguished senior executive with a 35 year career  in varied life science markets including cardiovascular, structural heart, neuro-interventional and aesthetics sectors. A seasoned leader in global strategy and execution, his expertise spans multinational markets including the U.S., Europe, Latin America, and Asia in support of commercializing transformational technologies and scalable operations for major brands like Edwards’ Transcatheter Aortic Valve Therapy..  Since founding Lifescience Business Solutions in 2017, Andrew has focused on strategic development in regulated environments, helping innovation-driven clients and private equity partners mobilize resources, tackle complex clinical challenges, and build sustainable growth. Known for his results-driven approach, he is a valued partner for organizations navigating competitive markets.  Previously, Andrew held senior executive roles at Edwards Lifesciences,  Mentor/J&J, and  Marquest/GE Healthcare, with earlier management positions at Becton Dickinson and Meadox/Boston Scientific. A strong advocate for STEM and healthcare advancement, he also serves as on the Board of Directors for Special Olympics. Andrew holds an advanced education in Engineering and Finance from the New Jersey Institute of Technology and the Wharton School.

Sam Gilbert, VMD

Sam Gilbert, VMD

Owner and Principal Consultant at Metro Preclinical Consulting, LLC. Dr. Gilbert received both his BSE in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics as well as his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (VMD) degree from the University of Pennsylvania. He pursued specialty training in veterinary surgery prior to moving into industry where he has developed expertise in preclinical research and generating safety and effectiveness data to support product development and regulatory approval of a diverse range of medical technologies. He has held roles in startups and corporations spanning the medtech and pharmaceutical industries. Dr. Gilbert has particular interests in animal and surgical model development and is a strong advocate for the judicious use of animals in preclinical research.


Il team di Tensive ha ricevuto numerosi premi e riconoscimenti da diverse istituzioni come per esempio: il Premio Gaetano Marzotto, StartCup Milano-Lombardia , ItaliaCamp, Startup dell’Anno, the French Embassy in Italy, Premio Gaetano Marzotto, Intel Global Challenge, Veneto Nanotech, 360 Capital Partners, Unicredit Start Lab, Italian Venture Forum, un riconoscimento della Camera di Commercio di Milano e uno dal Ministro Italiano dell’Istruzione. Tensive è stata citata su diverse riviste, tra cui Wired e Forbes. I membri del nostro team hanno frequentato prestigiosi programmi formativi internazionali come il Graduate Studies Program di Singularity University, Mind the Bridge School, programma di incubazione SeedLab e Startup Revolutionary Road.


Platform based on innovative polymeric scaffolds applied as bio-absorbable implants

Initially being developed in breast cancer reconstruction and breast augmentation settings. Pivotal study for first indications recently announced involving leading breast cancer surgery centers in Italy and Spain.

Milan, Italy – January 30, 2025- Tensive S.r.l., an innovative biomedical company on a mission to offer breast cancer survivors a natural breast reconstruction and breast augmentation patients a superior clinical and aesthetic outcome has closed a €14,000,000 Series A financing led by Panakès Partners SGR. with participation from the EIC Fund, along with other institutional and angel investors. In conjunction with this investment Sanjay Kakkar, MD, MSc, MPH has joined the company as CEO.

“We are delighted to welcome Panakès as the lead investor along with the EIC, CDP, Recomec and other investors, and we appreciate the trust they have demonstrated in our vision and capabilities. The addition of Sanjay Kakkar to the team is a significant step forward as he brings a wealth of experience in the development of life sciences companies which will be instrumental in propelling Tensive toward its goals,” said Alberto Cantaluppi, MD, Chief Medical Officer, and co-Founder.

"We are excited to lead this Series A funding round for Tensive, whose innovation and vision are transforming the landscape of women's health. Its groundbreaking technology has the power to make a profound difference in the lives of breast cancer survivors worldwide. It is a real privilege to support solutions that create lasting, meaningful impact for patients while also offering the potential for significant financial returns for investors. We look forward to collaborating closely with Tensive’s team as we embark on this journey of development, growth, and global expansion,” stated Diana Saraceni, Founder and Managing Partner at Panakès Partners.

"This financing round is a critical milestone towards realizing the potential of Tensive’s groundbreaking technology. The Series A funds will enable the company to complete a pivotal clinical trial evaluating the safety and performance of the company’s lead product, REGENERA, in patients undergoing reconstructive surgery after lumpectomy for malignant breast lesions,” stated Alessandro Tocchio, PhD, Chief Strategy Officer, and co-Founder. The company recently announced the initiation of the REGENERA pivotal study involving leading breast cancer surgery centers across Italy and Spain: Tensive S.r.l. Announces Multi-Center Pivotal Clinical Trial for REGENERA Implant in Post-Lumpectomy Breast Reconstruction | Tensive

“This capital injection and valuable addition to the leadership team bring important resources and expertise that will be pivotal for Tensive’s growth. This vote of confidence from our existing and new investors is crucial for us to continue working towards our mission of improving the quality of life for breast cancer survivors by restoring their natural breast,” said Valentina Morigi, Chief Financial Officer, and co-Founder.

Sanjay Kakkar, MD, MSc, MPH (Chief Executive Officer) is a biotech and medtech entrepreneur with 30 years of experience in multinational, early-stage and high growth enterprises. He has a track record of building innovative companies in the life sciences industries in Europe, Asia and the US and advancing novel technologies for the improvement of human health. Prior to joining Tensive, he served as CEO at Tranquis (where he continues as Chairman), Peptilogics, Armetheon, and Trigen (which he also co-founded), and was the founder and chairman of Jai Medica. Before becoming a serial life sciences entrepreneur, he held R&D roles at Pharmacia (now Pfizer) and Novartis. Sanjay received his medical degree from King’s College, University of London, holds a master’s degree in healthcare management from Harvard University and a master’s degree in preventive cardiology from Imperial College. Sanjay was born and raised in the UK and has worked in the UK, Italy, Germany, India and the US.

“The unique properties of REGENERA hold incredible promise to bring forward a new class of bio-absorbable implants that potentially offer an easy-to-use, effective and practical option to manage breast disease following lumpectomy ultimately providing a natural breast shape and feel in a single-step, minimally invasive and potentially cost-saving procedure,” said Sanjay Kakkar, CEO. “I am genuinely excited to work closely with a group of groundbreaking innovators and leading investors to leverage this powerful technology to provide breast cancer survivors and healthcare practitioners an important new medical device to address a tremendous unmet clinical need.”

Tensive was advised by EY Advisory S.p.A. and Pavia e Ansaldo.


About Tensive S.r.l.

Tensive S.r.l. was founded in 2012 with the mission to offer breast cancer survivors the option for natural breast reconstruction after lumpectomy, and breast augmentation patients a superior aesthetic outcome through the development of proprietary, innovative bio-absorbable implants.


About Panakès Partners SGR 

Panakès Partners is a Venture Capital firm, based in Milan, that invests in the most ambitious companies and teams developing revolutionary technologies and products in the field of life sciences with the aim of improving the lives of people around the world. Panakès, founded in 2016 by Fabrizio Landi, Alessio Beverina and Diana Saraceni, has €250 million under management.


About EIC Accelerator Program

The EIC Accelerator offers start-ups and SMEs grants of up to €2.5 million combined with equity investments through the EIC Fund ranging from €0.5 to €15 million. In addition to financial support, all projects benefit from a range of Business Acceleration Services that provide access to leading expertise, corporates, investors, and ecosystem actors.


For more information about Tensive: https://www.tensivemed.com

Media Relations: media@tensivemed.com


Milan, Italy – 21 October 2024 - Tensive S.r.l. is excited to announce the launch of a groundbreaking multicenter clinical trial aimed at assessing the safety and performance of REGENERA in patients undergoing reconstructive surgery after lumpectomy for malignant breast lesions. This trial represents a significant advance in the post-lumpectomy breast reconstruction field.

Led by Prof. Manuela Roncella, Santa Chiara Hospital Breast Unit Director, the following 9 centers across Italy and Spain are participating this pivotal study: Santa Chiara Hospital - Pisa, Italy (Prof. Manuela Roncella), Complexo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña - Coruña, Spain (Prof. Benigno Acea Nebril), IEO Istituto Europeo di Oncologia - Milano, Italy (Prof. Mario Rietjens), IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital - Milano, Italy (Prof. Corrado Tinterri),  IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele - Milano, Italy (Prof. Oreste Davide Gentilini), Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS - Roma, Italy (Prof. Gianluca Franceschini), Istituto Oncologico di Candiolo FPO-IRCCS - Torino, Italy (Prof. Antonio Toesca), ICS Maugeri IRCCS - Pavia,  Italy (Prof. Fabio Corsi), IRCCS Humanitas Istituto Clinico Catanese - Catania,  Italy (Prof. Francesco Caruso).

This clinical trial will investigate the safety and performance of REGENERA in 92 female adult subjects aged 40-70 years undergoing reconstructive surgery after excision of a malignant tumor by lumpectomy.

“REGENERA has already demonstrated in a First in Human Study in 15 patients with non-malignant breast lesions to be a safe, easy-to-use, effective, & practical implant to treat breast disease following lumpectomy providing a natural breast shape & feeling in a single-step, minimally invasive, easy-to-adopt, & potentially cost-saving procedure. All the participating centers are excited to participate in this Pivotal clinical trial aiming to solve an unmet need in the treatment of breast lesions with lumpectomy” said Prof Roncella, PI of the study.

In conjunction with this month’s Breast Reconstruction Awareness (BRA) campaign, IEO (The European Institute of Oncology in Milan) has announced its participation in the study: Istituto Europeo di Oncologia (ieo.it). As part of his summary on developments in the field of breast reconstruction, Prof Rietjens from IEO states (translated), “In the future, implants may even no longer exist. For some years, in fact, several companies, including in Italy, have been working on the idea of replacing silicone with entirely biodegradable structures, as if they were scaffolding, which can be reabsorbed and slowly replaced by the patient's soft tissue, giving the woman back a breast as natural as possible. These will be definitive solutions, which do not require replacement over time and, hopefully, without side effects. The first multicenter clinical trial is already underway with the aim of validating the use of the REGENERA resorbable implant and the IEO is excited to participate together with some of the best Italian breast centers. We are the first to have joined, together with the Santa Chiara Hospital in Pisa, and we have already recruited the first 20 patients.”

Tensive is an innovative biomedical company on a mission to offer breast cancer survivors the option for a natural breast reconstruction, Tensive’s first product, REGENERA, utilizes the company’s innovative polymeric scaffolds applied as a bio-absorbable breast implant.  It is designed to restore the natural aspect of the breast and preserve the femininity of lumpectomy patients in one single surgery.

This study holds great promise for improving the quality of life of breast lumpectomy patients and represents a step forward towards the commercialization of Tensive’s highly innovative device, REGENERA.

REGENERA is not yet commercially available and is undergoing clinical investigation pursuant to regulations for investigational medical devices. 

To learn more about the trial and eligibility criteria, visit the study page on ClinicalTrials.gov.

For more information about the trial, please contact: media@tensivemed.com

If you want to learn more about Tensive's previous First in Human study of REGENERA implant in patients diagnosed with localized non-malignant breast lesions treated by excision or lumpectomy, you can read our paper on the first interim analysis published in Breast Cancer here.


About Tensive S.r.l.

Tensive S.r.l. was founded in 2012 with the mission to offer breast cancer survivors the option for natural breast reconstruction after lumpectomy, and breast augmentation patients a superior aesthetic outcome through an innovative bio-absorbable implant.


For more information about Tensive, visit www.tensivemed.com


Milan, Italy - December 19th, 2022 - Tensive is awarded by the European Innovation Council Accelerator for its project REGENERA

Tensive S.r.l., the medical technology company pioneering innovative solutions for reconstructive surgery, announces that it is among the 78 winners of the prestigious EIC Accelerator program (October 2022 cut-off). Tensive was awarded blended finance consisting of a € 2.5 million grant and an additional € 6 million in equity investment.

"This award will be crucial to support Tensive in conducting the upcoming clinical trials towards commercialization to bring our revolutionary technology to patients in need", states Alessandro Tocchio, CSO of Tensive.

Tensive was founded in 2012 with the mission to offer breast cancer survivors the option for natural breast reconstruction after lumpectomy, and breast augmentation patients a superior aesthetic outcome through an innovative bio-absorbable implant supporting tissue self-regeneration.

"Our vision is to improve lumpectomy patients' quality of life and restore their femininity, avoiding recurrent, painful and expensive surgical operations", states Valentina Morigi, CFO of Tensive. 

The loss of a breast can cause a negative psychological impact on breast cancer patients beyond the frightening tumor diagnosis. Among other traumatizing consequences, they experience the loss of femininity and breast sensation. "By using a device designed to be gradually degraded in the body over time and safely replaced by the patient's soft tissue, breast cancer survivors will preserve a natural breast aspect", states Margherita Tamplenizza, CQA&RAO of Tensive. 

"Unlike silicone implants and fat grafting, our solution aims to offer a safe, single-surgery option for breast reconstruction with the goal to drastically reduce pain, costs and stress for patients and the healthcare system", states Irini Gerges, CTO of Tensive

"We'd like to thank our team, partners, and quota holders who supported us and worked relentlessly throughout the years towards our ambitious mission," states Alberto Cantaluppi, President of Tensive.

"The award of the EIC Accelerator program represents a further validation of Tensive's vision. We expect that this acknowledgment will enable us to attract additional private investors and venture capitalists to join our company, accelerate market entry, and commercialization", states Federico Martello, CEO of Tensive.


The EIC Accelerator offers start-ups and SMEs grants of up to €2.5 million combined with equity investments through the EIC Fund ranging from €0.5 to €15 million. In addition to financial support, all projects benefit from a range of Business Acceleration Services that provide access to leading expertise, corporates, investors, and ecosystem actors.



EIC announcement:  https://eic.ec.europa.eu/news/european-innovation-council-welcomes-78-high-potential-start-ups-and-smes-highly-competitive-2022-12-19_en

For more information about Tensive: https://www.tensivemed.com

Media Relations: media@tensivemed.com


Irini GergesMargherita TamplenizzaFederico MartelloStefano KomanGiulia Chincarini, Camilla Recordati, Mariacaterina Tamplenizza, Scott Guelcher, Maurizio Crestani & Alessandro Tocchio  “Conditioning the microenvironment for soft tissue regeneration in a cell free scaffold”. 

You can access the full-text of our paper here: https://rdcu.be/cncfX

I. Gerges, M. Tamplenizza, F. Martello, C. Recordati, C. Martelli, L. Ottobrini, M. Tamplenizza, S. A. Guelcher, A. Tocchio, C. Lenardi.  Exploring the potential of polyurethane-based soft foam as a cell-free scaffold for soft tissue regeneration. Acta Biomaterialia (2018)

E. Rossi*, I. Gerges*, A. Tocchio*, M. Tamplenizza, P. Aprile, C. Recordati, F. Martello, I. Martin, P. Milani, C. Lenardi. Biologically and mechanically driven design of an RGD-mimetic Macroporous Foam for Adipose Tissue Engineering Applications. Biomaterials (2016). (*Authors contributed equally)

C. Schulte; S. Rodighiero; M. A. Cappelluti; L. Puricelli; E. Maffioli; F. Borghi; A. Negri; E. Sogne; M. Galluzzi; C. Piazzoni; M. Tamplenizza; A. Podestà; G. Tedeschi; C. Lenardi; P. Milani. Conversion of nanoscale topographical information of cluster-assembled zirconia surfaces into mechanotransductive events promotes neuronal differentiation. J Nanobiotechnology (2016).


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Sede operativa: Viale Ortles 22/4, 20139, Milano (Italy)
+39 (0) 2 5666 0185

Informazioni generali: info@tensivemed.com
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Media Relations: media@tensivemed.com

Responsabile Protezione Dati: Enrico Biolchini  enrico.biolchini@tensivemed.com, tel. +39 02 56660265